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Spencer Louis Potiker

Doctoral candidate in Global and International Studies, UC Irvine

Spencer Louis Potiker

Research Project: Cross Border Supply Chains and Mobility Regimes: Migration, Labor, and Urban Development in the San Diego-Tijuana Transfrontier Metropolis

Research Interests: Global political economy, labor and social movements, immigration, racialization, border studies, urban and regional studies, world systems analysis, supply chains, comparative history, non-state spaces, comparative politics, community engaged research, political theory from the global South, anarchist political theory

Spencer Louis Potiker is a Ph.D. candidate in the Global and International Studies Department at the University of California, Irvine. His research examines urban development, migration, trade, law, supply chains, labor conditions and movements, as well as social reproduction in the San Diego-Tijuana metropolitan region. His dissertation asks: How does the border impact supply chains and labor markets in the San Diego-Tijuana region? How has intensified supply chain circulation impacted the urban landscape and job availability in the region? And what are the   and obstacles for labor organizing in the supply chain sector in the region? He uses multiple methods to answer these questions including quantitative data analysis, interviews, field work observations and primary document analysis.