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Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies USMEX

Tracking the Transformation

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador came to power promising a transformative presidency. This series explores this topic.

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Assessing AMLO's visit to Biden

Assessing AMLO's visit to Biden
July 15, 2020 | Video
The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and the Mexico Institute held a webinar conversation, where a panel of experts analyzed the outcome of AMLO's visit to Washington, D.C. and its implications for the U.S.-Mexico relationship.

Panelists: Mary Beth Sheridan, The Washington Post; Cecilia Farfan, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies; Theresa Brown, Bipartisan Policy Center; and Earl Anthony Wayne, former U.S. Ambassador

Moderators: Rafael Fernandez de Castro, Director, USMEX; Andrew I. Rudman, Director, Mexico Institute; and Lila Abed, Deputy Director, Mexico Institute

Why is Mexico so Unequal?

Why is Mexico so Unequal?
Nov. 17, 2021 | Video
Mexico is the top-trade partner of the United States and the fifteen largest economy in the world, yet 53% of its population lives in poverty. Viri Ríos just published No Es Normal, an in-depth analysis on Mexico’s inequality, which will be the basis for our conversation.

Opening Remarks by Rafael Fernández de Castro, Professor, and Director, Center for U.S.- Mexican Studies, UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy.

• Santiago Levy, former vice-president of the Interamerican Development Bank
• Mónica Unda, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Economics, Marquette University
• Viri Ríos, journalist and scholar, and author of No Es Normal
• Eduardo Porter, NYTimes

Mexico’s Referendum on Former Presidents: Results and Implications

Mexico’s Referendum on Former Presidents: Results and Implications
Aug. 4, 2021

Blanca Heredia, Professor, CIDE
Kate Bruhn, Professor and Chair, Political Science, UC Santa Barbara
Javier Tello, Mexican Analyst and Fellow, USMEX

Humanitarian Protection in the Mexico and Central America: A State of Emergency

Humanitarian Protection in the Mexico and Central America: A State of Emergency
June 15, 2021

Protección humanitaria en México y Centroamérica: Estado de emergencia

Panel discussion to present the latest North and Central American Task Force on Migration report and recommendations, Humanitarian Protection in the Region: A State of Emergency

The urgency of protection needs for migrants and asylum-seekers in Central America and Mexico, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and back-to-back hurricanes, requires comprehensive and coordinated regional responses supported by all countries in North and Central America.

This panel discussion was with members of the North and Central American Task on Migration where they outline recommendations for concrete actions that can be taken immediately, even as efforts continue in the region to address the deeper and systemic causes of migration.

• Protection of women, children and other groups at greatest risk in Central America and Mexico
• Greater attention to internal displacement
• Strengthening asylum laws and capacity throughout the region
• Protecting migrants in transit

• Lloyd Axworthy, Chair, World Refugee & Migration Council, and former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Mayu Brizuela de Avila, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, El Salvador
• Noah Bullock, Executive Director, Cristosal
• Elizabeth Ferris, Professor, Georgetown University, and Vice President of Research, World Refugee & Migration Council
• Ana Mercedes Saiz, Executive Director, Sin Fronteras
• Andrew Selee, President, Migration Policy Institute
• Rafael Fernández de Castro, Director, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, UC San Diego

Este panel de discusión presentará el reporte y recomendaciones más reciente del Grupo de Trabajo de Centro y Norteamérica sobre Migración, titulado: Protección humanitaria en México y Centroamérica: Estado de emergencia.

Mexico's Historic 2021 Election: Change or Continuity?

Mexico's Historic 2021 Election: Change or Continuity?
May 25, 2021

Mexico’s midterm elections on June 6, 2021 will have the largest number of offices at stake ever, at all levels. This election has the potential to create significant shifts in the Mexican political landscape. Our panelists will analyze the recent polls, and how the results of the election could affect the MORENA party and the AMLO administration.

• Michael Camuñez, Chair, Pacific Council Mexico Initiative
• Jose Galicot, Tijuana Innovadora
• Lorena Becerra, Pollster Reforma
• Kate Bruhn, UC Santa Barbara
• Jorge Buendia, Pollster, Oraculus
• Leo Zukerman, Oraculus
• Rafael Fernandez de Castro, USMEX

Cosponsored by: Oraculus, Pacific Council on International Policy, Tijuana Innovadora and UC Santa Barbara's Department of Political Science.


Periodismo, violencia, y politica

Periodismo, violencia, y politica
April 28, 2021

AMLO at Two

AMLO at Two [Webinar]
Dec. 4, 2020
The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies will host a webinar to present an assessment of the first two years of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Four speakers will evaluate how President López Obrador’s Administration has performed on the country’s most pressing issues: violence and crime, poverty and social programs, democratic consolidation, and health policy.

Is the Future Female? Equality and the Mexican Left

Is the Future Female? Equality and the Mexican Left [Webinar]
May 11, 2020
This event brings together experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities that the policies of AMLO's administration present to gender equality and non-discrimination. It also examines the data challenges of documenting violence against women and the double jeopardy faced by female journalists who cover these topics.

Journalists Reflect on AMLO's First Year

Tracking the Transformation: Journalists Reflect on AMLO's First Year
Dec. 5, 2019
Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the only president in the world to hold daily morning press conferences. Throughout his first year in office, he has had a complicated, and at times adversarial, relationship with members of the media. Three journalists who have covered the first year of AMLO's presidency had a discussion and offered points of view from the U.S.-Mexico border, Mexico City and Washington D.C.

AMLO’s Vision, Achievements and Challenges

Tracking the Transformation: AMLO’s Vision, Achievements and Challenges
Oct. 30, 2019
Political analyst John Ackerman discussed the meaning of President López Obrador’s “Fourth Transformation of Mexico” and underscored the importance of tackling corruption, violence and poverty in Mexico, outlining the new administration’s achievements to date and the challenges that lie ahead.

Economic Growth and Social Change

Tracking the Transformation: Economic Growth and Social Change
Oct. 7, 2019
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador came to power promising a transformative presidency. We had a conversation with experts who provided their perspectives on where the Mexican economy is headed. Learn more here. 

The Mexican Energy Sector

Tracking Mexico’s Transformation: The Mexican Energy Sector
April 2, 2019
Professor David Victor and Enrique Hidalgo, president of ExxonMobil Ventures Mexico, shared their perspectives on the energy sector in Mexico and presented their views on the policies proposed and implemented by AMLO’s administration. Learn more here. 

A Conversation with José Antonio Meade

Tracking Mexico's Transformation: A Conversation with José Antonio Meade
March 4, 2019 
Dr. José Antonio Meade
, candidate for the PRI in the 2018 presidential election and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Social Development, presented his views on the policies proposed and implemented by the López Obrador administration. Learn more here.