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Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies USMEX

Photo of a pile of books with one open with fanned out pages; the right side has a dark blue overlay with the UC San Diego branded element of a stylized tridentPublications

Policy Research Reports

How the Border Works: A View from San Diego

By James Gerber
Dec. 2, 2023

Download the Report (in English): PDF 

CaliBaja: Emerging Stronger after COVID-19, 2020-2021 Report

CaliBaja: Emerging Stronger after COVID-19, 2020-2021 Report

In addition to providing concrete policy recommendations on how to strengthen CaliBaja’s integration, each of the thirteen brief chapters analyzes the pre-pandemic conditions of a specific cooperation area, what happened as a result of COVID-19 and the border shut down, and the aspirations of CaliBaja’s stakeholders to reach an ideal state of transborder cooperation.

Download the Report (in English): PDF | EPUB
Download the Report (in Spanish): PDF | EPUB

U.S.-Mexico Forum 2025

U.S.-Mexico Forum 2025

The Forum consists of five working groups: migration, security and public health, trade and economy, energy and sustainable development and strategic diplomacy. Each group created a white paper that follows a similar approach: a discussion of the state of affairs in 2020, the aspirations for 2025 and a strategy for achieving those aspirations.

Read the report (PDF)

North and Central American Task Force on Migration

North and Central American Task Force on Migration

The final report results from five rich interim reports outlining the recommendations developed from our deliberations. The five interim reports are now available on our Task Force website:

  1. Regional Cooperation and Co-Responsibility — PDF: English | Spanish
  2. Humanitarian Protection in the Region: A State of Emergency — PDF:English | Spanish
  3. Reducing Irregular Migration from Central America Through Alternative Regular Migration Pathways — PDF: English | Spanish
  4. Economic and Environmental Drivers of Central American Migration — PDF: English | Spanish
  5. Institutional and Political Drivers of Migration in Central America — PDF: English | Spanish

High-level recommendations were included in the Final Report (PDF: English | Spanish)

U.S.-Mexico Climate Change Discussions and Potential Collaboration

U.S.-Mexico Climate Change Discussions and Potential Collaboration

The working group published a report consisting of a white with actionable recommendations and references to specific resources geared towards U.S. and Mexican officials for the following proposed topics:

  1. Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
  2. Energy Efficiency
  3. Environmental Justice, Adaptation and Nature-Based Solutions
  4. Climate and Finance
  5. Renewable Power Development

[Report] Proposed Agenda for U.S.-Mexico Climate Change Discussions and Potential Collaboration
PDF: English | Spanish
April 2022

Moving Up the Economic Ladder: 20 Years of Financial Inclusion of the Mexican Migrant Community in the U.S.

Moving Up the Economic Ladder: 20 Years of Financial Inclusion of the Mexican Migrant Community in the U.S.

Convinced that financial inclusion can help improve the quality of life of Mexican families in the U.S., USMEX, Sin Fronteras IAP, and BBVA México joined efforts for this publication. In fourteen chapters, we evaluate the state and main initiatives for the financial inclusion of this population in the last 20 years from a transnational and multisectoral approach.

EPUB: English | Spanish
PDF: English | Spanish

U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation Taskforce 2018-2024

U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation Taskforce 2018-2024

The Taskforce brings together a select group of respected experts and opinion-makers from both the U.S. and Mexico to offer concrete policy recommendations to elected officials in both countries.

The White Paper is available here (PDF) 

Journal Articles

From the Local to the Transnational: Linkages in the North and Central American Drug Trades

From the Local to the Transnational: Linkages in the North and Central American Drug Trades

While there is extensive research on the drug trade in the northern half of the Americas, this literature remains heavily divided among disciplines, country focus and scales of research, with little inter-regional or inter-disciplinary cross-over. This special issue in the Journal of Illicit Economies and Development (forthcoming) will advance the conversation on illicit drug markets in the Americas by fostering cross-fertilization among different methodologies and perspectives that have been previously analyzed as self-contained phenomena. It will provide an opportunity to observe the full cycle of illicit drugs production, trafficking, and consumption throughout North America, Central America and the Caribbean. Furthermore, it will promote a more comprehensive understanding of the social dynamics of development, violence, and drug policies; the way that these issues are addressed by the twenty-three national governments of the region, and the many more regional or local institutions that exist within each; and the mutual dependencies that exist between all of the region's multiple drug trades.

Between War Making and Peace Building: Mexico’s War on Drugs Revisited

Between War Making and Peace Building: Mexico’s War on Drugs Revisited

The aim of this special issue in Crime, Law and Social Change (forthcoming) is to provide scholarly grounds for what can or should be done in order to revisit Mexico’s war on drugs, and or reflecting on what the Mexican government could do in order to tackle more effectively and humanely the country’s contemporary security crisis. Through original and empirically informed articles, the authors will address one or both of the following themes based on their areas of expertise:

  • The Viability of Abandoning the War on Drug: Is Mexico ready to abandon this framework and are there lessons that other countries can offer?
  • Can Mexico Build Peace? What would a peace-building process entail in the context of Mexico for different actors (civil society, criminal groups, state)? Are there lessons from other countries in terms of either peace agreements or alternatives to repressive measures that have worked?


Cali-Tex-Mex: The International Relations of California and Texas with Mexico and the World (forthcoming)

Cali-Tex-Mex: The International Relations of California and Texas with Mexico and the World (forthcoming)

This book seeks to fill this extremely important gap in the academic analysis of the U.S.-Mexico relationship by analyzing comparatively the international relations of Mexican and U.S. sub-State governments (SSG) with each other, and more specifically, the California-Mexico and the Texas-Mexico relationships. The central objective of this book is to make a historical and current analysis of the international relations of Mexican and U.S. SSG and to focus on the two most important relationships between Mexico and U.S. states comparatively: California and Texas.

La diplomacia Consular Mexicana en tiempos de Trump

La diplomacia Consular Mexicana en tiempos de Trump

This book is the result of an academic meeting organized by the center in the summer of 2016, where they sought to analyze – from a practical and academic point of view – the Mexican consular diplomacy in the U.S. Eleven of the thirteen essays that make up this book were written by Mexican diplomats. The principal themes are public diplomacy and the surgency of a right alternative in the U.S., the cooperation and conflicts at the border between both countries, the lessons of consular protection, the evolution of the consular management, the strategic partners for the consular diplomacy, among others. This book was published by the Colegio de la Frontera Norte y el Colegio de San Luis.